The Gathering with my friends :)
I met with my friends today from the "B.ed TESL" at the Curve after nearly 3 months of not meeting each other. It was fun and exciting meeting them again and our first activity was to sing K at Red Box.7 girls and 1 guy (my bf) in the VIP room of Red Box, so you can imagine how rowdy were we in the Karaoke room. Actually we were having more fun taking pictures than singing since all of us like to pose.Haha..
Posing happily with my friends at Red Box. Siaw Hui, Sin Yuan, Hwa Cheat,Jia Wen, Tisha and me. Woon only join us later.

The engagement present that my 'Crazy' friends gave me.Haha!! All full of naughty thoughts.However, thanks guys. :)
La la la la la...... Jia Wen and Siaw Hui singing with gusto. Huuray guys!
After 3 hours of endlessly screaming, shouting and singing we left Red Box happily. Then, we decided to watch movie but we couldn't watch the cartoon (Bolt) because it was too late so we decided to watch Twilight, a love story of a vampire and a girl. Before we went for the movie, we were able to go to the Curve for shopping and also for taking some pictures there as the Curve had been decorated with Christmas decoration. The decoration was superb and breathtaking so we, The Posers, of cours would grab the opportunity to 'pose and snaps' . :)

Snaping pictures at the Curve with different poses :)
Posing at Friday's.
Twilight was a very boring movie and everyone grumbled about it. So, after the movie we decided to eat dinner at Friday's since today is also Friday.Haha.. At Friday's, we were snapping pictures again so that everyone can know that we were having fun.Hehe.. It was fun eating dinner together as we were able to chat and gossip and chat and gossip. :) We also celebrated Siaw Hui's birthday at Friday's eventhough her birthday had already passed. She was asked to sing a song and also to blow the candle from afar. Afterwards the waiters sang a quite 'lousy' birthday song for her and all of us wished her Happy Belated Birthday. Ooops.. Forgot her present. Hehe..

Siaw Hui was asked to sing a song and she sang a 'MySunshine' which sounded like a little girl.
Hopefully, we will be able to come out for another gathering soon and H@ppy Holid@ys to everyone!!