I finally went for a trip at Genting with my friends from Rawang after like ages of not being able to go to the previous trips with them.There were 13 of us that went for the trip and we had an enjoyable,memorable and the funniest trip ever.I will remember this trip forever as it was the most memorable and unforgetable trip.
Eight of us (Siew Yee,Han Wee, Wai Ching, Suet Chin, Chai Yian, Yoke Thing, Git See and me) rented a van to go up to genting. Meanwhile, Hui Ling, Figo, Jan Hou and Ming Hong had the luxury of going up by Figo's car.So Unfair!! Haha..Actually I enjoyed sitting in the van with all of them because we were able to gossip all the way up there. There were few incidents that happened during our trip at Genting. Now let's see what are the incidents.
1. The Van Stopped Us At Cable Car!!
Mr Raymond, our driver was supposed to send us all the way up to Genting but he actually stopped at the cable car station and had the audacity to ask us to take the cable car to go up. The reason that he gave us was the car engine might over heat.What the HELL!! He didn't tell us anything about this ealier and all of a sudden he just threw us at the cable car station.All of us were so irritated and when we saw the line, we nearly fainted. There was like around 500 PEOPLE waiting for the cable car and it would take us hours before we could even board a cable car. We were thinking of taking a taxi and ask Mr Raymond to give us back RM4 each and suddenly he agreed to take us up.It seemed that the engine would not over heat after all. At last we reached Ria Apartement safely without the need to push the car.Haha!!
Siew Yee and me posing in the van happily :)
2. Karaoke Session
The first activity after we had our MC D lunch was to sing karaoke but we decided to do it during the dinner time as the price was cheaper and we could have our dinner together.Most of them had never gone to Genting's karaoke before and it was already several years since I visited Genting's karaoke, so all of us did not know how the karaoke room would be and we were all filled with anticipation of having a superb karaoke session. Deng - Deng - Deng - Deng! The room was actually quite small for 13 of us and the things inside were all very outdated.From the TV to sofa and even the remote control.We actually had a good laugh at the room, thinkin that it was such a 'Dinosaur room'. The problem of singing k at genting was we were not able to sing new songs because they did not have them. We actually had a hard time selecting our songs to sing. The worst thing were the mics and the surround system. 13 of us actually had to share two mics as the waitress said it was their protocol of giving two mics for each room. Then one of the mics was not working and after changing it, the mic was still giving us problem. Sigh......You should upgrade all the rooms Tan Sri Lim.

Happily snapping away during our Karaoke session. :)
3. Bowling Session
We girls decided to go bowling at around 11 something as the guys wanted to go to the casino and this was the most memorable bowling session that I had ever had.First of all, I started of terribly and scored only 9 points after 3 games and all of them were laughing at me saying that the last one would have to treat all. To show that I was not a terrible bowler and also to save my wallet, I actually strike at the 4th game.WOW!! All of them were shocked and we were also lauging as we belived the reason that I strike was because I jumped on the floor till the pin drooped.Haha..Could anyone believe that?At the end I won the 3rd place.Haha. The funniest incident that happened was a group of foreigners (we suspected from India) actually had the audacity to come inside and took the balls and threw them on other people's lane.The couple beside us were the victims. When we were looking at the drama unfolding beside us, something happened to Hui Ling. It was her last game and she had just strike so she had another chance to play. When she was looking at the 'drama' an Idian woman who was from the group actually took a ball and sneaked up to her lane and threw the ball - inside the 'LONGKANG'. Haha!!
When Hui Ling saw it, she went ballistic and she scolded the woman "What the HELL, why did you simply threw on other people's lane?" All of us were shocked to see her so fierce as this was the first time we saw her scolding at someone so fiercely. Then the woman kept on apologising and ran back to her family. At the end the staff was able to ask them to leave. It was actually the funniest thing that I had ever seen before and all of us really had a good laugh at it.We would not forget this incident forever, especially 'What the Hell!'. Haha

Posing with the ball during the game :)

Where you throwing the ball gal?Haha..
4. The Van Didn't Come to Fectch Us!
On Sunday, we had agreed with Mr Raymond that he would come to fetch us at 2 pm sharp. 8 of us were waiting impatiently for him when the clock was showing 2pm and most of us were rushing home as that day was 'Go Dong'. Yian decided to call him after we waited around 10 minutes and he said he was on the way up. After another 15 minutes, she called again but this time he did not pick up the phone. She continued calling him and he still didn't pick up. After half an hour, we were all getting angry so we decided to give him a last chance. If he still did not pick up our call, we would just call taxis to send us back. At the end, he still didn't pick up the call so we decided to take taxis to go back. This was the most irresponsible person that I had ever seen before so next time please do not ask Mr Raymond to send any of you to anywhere because he does not know what is called RESPONSIBILITY!
All of these incidents actually make this trip more fun and memorable. I will cherish this memory forever as we all know that it is not so easy to go for a trip together again in the future as all of us are busy with our own lives. However, I hope that we will have many more chances to go for a trip together again :)